“Plurality should not be posited without necessity” – Occam’s razor



Genetically Modified Food

Genetically Modified Food
Before the era of biotechnology, farmers crossed related plant varieties to create hybrid strains and selectively bred the offspring of these hybrids to produce desirable traits. This form of genetic modification naturally limits genetic variation because only closely related plants can be bred. In the new world of agricultural biotechnology, scientists are no longer constrained by barriers between species. They can take genes from entirely unrelated organisms—viruses, bacteria, even fish and other animals—and splice them directly into plants. In doing so, they are redefining the very nature of the crops upon which humanity has long depended. Who are we as humans to decide which organisms are desirable or not?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Book That Can't Be Read

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Drosophila melanogaster

Drosophila melanogaster
In early 2000, research involving the red-eyed pomace fly once again advanced understanding of modern genetics when scientists sequenced the fly’s entire genetic makeup, or genome. Scientists expect that the techniques used to unravel the fly genome will help in efforts to decode the human genome.

The Diversity of Life

The Diversity of Life
We're linked together. From the simplest life forms to the most complex life forms!

Feel Good

Feel Good
Life is short, always feel good!

Adisadel College Centenary

Adisadel College Centenary
Fall innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn............ Adisco is 100 years Hurray!!!